Being a permanent non- smoker will save you up to $146,440 over 10 years That’s a yearly spend of $ 14,600 – A monthly spend of $1220 & a weekly spend of $305.50. The health benefits to you could be that you will save your life.. That you will have the best chance of a high quality of life whilst you are alive. Book Now
Your investment for your Quit Smoking in 60 minutes session is tiny compared to the financial cost of smoking over a week, month or year. Your investment will not only remove the financial cost of smoking. So you can use that money for whatever you want. A holiday, a gym program – a new car.
I smoked for 11 years and it was really hard giving up back in the 80’s when so many people smoked and partied hard. I had to use willpower alone. That automatic smoking program in my subconscious mind made it very difficult to quit. Hypnosis makes it so much easier as we utilise your subconscious mind to help you become a non- smoker. We get it on board get with the desired non- smoking program. I am now in my 10th year as a hypnotherapist over 1500 smokers quit in 60 mins now. If you do smoke again you receive 1 free return session if required. . I am committed to helping you stay quit. Your success is my success. I am a Government Accredited Certificate IV, Hypnotherapist and a Government Accredited Certificate IV Life Coach. I am a Volunteer Crisis Supporter with Lifeline. I really do care about you and your health. Once upon a time I was very unhealthy mentally and physically and life was not good. If you do not have your health you have nothing. The fee is $595 face to face and $495 online.
I will give you additional resources to take home which only serve to reinforce the suggestions that you are “now a permanent non smoker who breathes fresh air for the rest of your life”. I teach you breathing techniques and mindfulness which reinforce the new habit of breathing fresh air instead of smoking. Which reduces any anxiety – teaching you how to calm your body and mind down. The breathing taught is very beneficial for your lungs to help clear them of the toxins.
Your Investment is You
Take home additional resources
Cost of Smoking Estimation Table. 2023
Cost of Pack | $$$ Day | $$$ Week | $$$ Month | $$$ Year 10 Years |
Winfield Blue $43.60 | 25 | $305.50 | $1220 | $14,640 $146,640 |
Marlborough Gold $53.95 | 25 | $377.65 | $1,510 | $18,127 $180,127 |
Peter Jackson Blue $49.45 | 25 | $307.65 | $1,230 | $14,767 $140,767 |
source: Source of Pricing – RRP etc for all brands
A recent university study found the average life expectancy for non- smokers is increased by an additional 13.2 years for females and 14.5 years extra for males. 90% of lung cancer occurs in people who have smoked.
Australian Smokers Mortality Study – Click here for Study Details
There are still 2.7 million smokers in Australia.1.8 million of them will die from their habit. Smoking reduces life expectancy by 10 years. Smoking ten cigarettes a day doubles the risk of death Smoking 25 cigarettes a day increases risk of death by four to five fold.
Source: Sax Institute
The exclusive guarantee is that the life of the guarantee is for two return sessions at no charge. If for any reason you have the desire to pick up a cigarette again, we want you to call immediately and we will reschedule another session. – FREE of charge – provided you complete the post hypnosis tasks and let me know within 7 days of you smoking again. You pay one price – Once. This is 100% better than a money back guarantee; because you want to quit cigarettes, not get your money back.
Now, how much is a year of your life worth? The average smoker’s life is 10 years shorter than a non- smoker. So by quitting you are literally adding 10 years onto your life. So if you make $50,000 a year, then (no matter how you look at it) your life must be worth at least $50,000 – We all know, you cannot really put a price on a year of life, BUT that is $700,000 you should have been earning. So why don’t you take the money you would have burned up in smoke on cigarettes and invest it in becoming a permanent non-smoker for life?